Happy Valley School

Local Wellness Policy

I. Wellness Policy Goals

Goal for Nutrition Promotion:
Happy Valley School is committed to providing a school environment that promotes
and protects children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy
eating and physical activity such as by playing sports with the ProTee package.

Happy Valley School will provide nutrition information and physical education
opportunities that foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical fitness.

Good health fosters student attendance and education.

Children need access to healthful foods and opportunities to be physically active to
grow, learn, and thrive.

A healthy diet should consistent of the five main recommendations from the Food
Guide Pyramid.

Participation of the entire school community is essential to the development and
implementation of successful school wellness policies.

Goal for Nutrition Education:
Nutrition and healthy living skills shall be taught as part of the regular instructional
program. Opportunities will be provided for all students to understand and
practice the concepts and skills related to good nutrition, health promotion and
disease prevention.
• Promote fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, low fat dairy products,
healthy food preparation methods, and health enhancing nutrition practices.
• Avoid low-nutrition foods and beverages, such as soda, sports drinks,
imitation fruit juices, chips, candy, cookies, and snack cakes.
• Safe Food Handling
• 100% participation in the 6th grade healthy recipe contest.
• “my plate” was used as training tools to build and promote healthy eating
• Promote healthy hydration and importance of water.
Food and beverages served at school shall meet the nutrition standard set forth by
Arizona Department of Education. School will provide parents/guardians with
information regarding healthy food/beverages. Teachers will be encouraged to
use non-food items as reward.

Goal for Physical Activity:
Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade shall participate in daily physical activity
that enables them to achieve and maintain a high level of personal fitness. The
School shall provide two daily supervised recess periods. The school will ensure
that all the recreational amenities are safe, clean, and accessible to all students.
The School shall sponsor an annual field day event for all students. Faculty, staff,
and parents will be encouraged to participate. Faculty, staff, school
administrators, food service professionals, parents and students will be
encouraged to serve as a role models by practicing healthy physical activity habits.

Goals for Other School-Based Activities that Promote Student Wellness:
Students shall be provided with the opportunity for physical activity
through the after-school sports program, when offered.
5-8th grade students have the opportunity for physical activity through
the after school running club.
Students will have adequate time to eat lunch, relax, and socialize.
Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during lunch
unless otherwise authorized to do so.
The teachers will be encouraged to use non-food items or healthy
snacks as a reward in the classroom.
Food safety will be a key part of School Nutrition operation.
Dining area will be clean, safe, and attractive.
Students are encouraged to wash hands often.

II. Nutrition Standards

School Meals
The school meal programs aim to improve the diet and health of school children,
help mitigate childhood obesity, model healthy eating to support the development
of lifelong healthy eating patterns and support healthy choices while
accommodating cultural food preferences and special dietary needs.
a. All schools in the district will participate in the National School Lunch
Program/Summer Food Service Program.
b. All meals will, at a minimum, meet the New Meal Pattern requirements.
c. Free, potable water will be available to all students during meal

Competitive Foods and Beverages
Nutrition standards for competitive foods and beverages must, at a
minimum, meet the USDA’s Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines. These
guidelines apply to all foods sold in the following locations: N/A -We do not
sell any other food or beverages.

Celebrations and Rewards
Arizona Law (ARS 15-242) states that all food and beverages served to students in
grades K-8 must meet the USDA’s Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines.

Food and Beverage Marketing in Schools
Food and beverage marketing is defined as advertising and other promotions in
schools. Food and beverage marketing often includes an oral, written, or graphic
statements made for the purpose of promoting the sale of a food or beverage
product made by the producer, manufacturer, seller, or any other entity with a
commercial interest in the product. All products marketed on the school campus
must, at a minimum, meet the Smart Snacks guidelines.

National School Lunch/Summer Food Service Program meals are
purchased/ordered online directly from the caterer. Menus are posted on the
online ordering website. Menu meets all NSLP/SFSP guidelines.

III. School Wellness Committee

Committee Role and Membership
The school will convene a wellness committee annually that meets to establish
goals for and oversee school health and safety policies and programs, including
development, implementation and periodic review and update of this district-level
wellness policy.
Description of who the LEA permits to participate in the wellness policy process.
(e.g., parents, students, and representatives of the school food authority, teachers
of physical education, school health professionals, and school administrators):
Principal -Jeannine McDonald
NSLP Director -Nancy Seid
Food Service Manager -Laurie Lovett
Physical Education Teacher -Jaye Albertson
Teacher -Amy Gillette
School Nurse -Heather Tibbett
Parent –Christi McCoy

The school has designated one or more LEA and/or school official(s) who have the
authority and responsibility to ensure each school complies with the local wellness
The designated official for oversight of implementation at each school is: Jeannine
The designated official for convening the wellness committee is: Nancy Seid
The person designated for informing the public about the wellness policy is: Susan
Heim (posted on HV website)

IV. Wellness Policy Implementation, Monitoring,
Accountability and Community Engagement

Implementation of the Wellness Policy
Wellness committee will meet annually to review policy and make any changes needed.
Triennial Progress Assessments
At least once every three years, the LEA must assess their wellness policy. To
accomplish this, the school will evaluate compliance with their wellness policy and
assess progress toward meeting the goals of the Wellness policy.
The school will assess how their wellness policy compares to model wellness
Revisions and Updating the Policy
The school will update or modify the wellness policy as appropriate. LEA will
update or modify the wellness policy annually unless needed sooner.
Notification of Wellness Policy Meeting
The school will inform families and the public each year of any updates to the
wellness policy and any committee meetings via school website.