Bell Schedule
Early Release Day Dismissal Times:
11:00 Pink (Kindergarten) Arrival time on campus 10:55
11:15 Green (1st – 2nd) Arrival time on campus 11:10
11:30 Blue (3rd – 4th) Arrival time on campus 11:25
11:45 Yellow (5th – 6th) Arrival time on campus 11:40
12:00 Orange (7th – 8th) Arrival time on campus 11:55
*Buses load at 11:55 Just a reminder: PLEASE do not arrive early for carpool pickups as it causes congestion in the parking lot and on Happy Valley Road.Dismissal Times:
2:00 – 2:15 Pink (Kindergarten) Arrival time on campus 1:55
2:15 – 2:30 Green (1st – 2nd) Arrival time on campus 2:10
2:30 – 2:45 Blue (3rd – 4th) Arrival time on campus 2:25
2:45 – 3:00 Yellow (5th – 6th) Arrival time on campus 2:40
3:00 – 3:15 Orange (7th – 8th) Arrival time on campus 2:55
*Buses load at 2:55When people arrive earlier than their designated time, the color before them can’t get their children and the later time’s children will not be out yet. This is especially critical for the pink and white (K and 1) pick up times. Thank you to everyone for your patience! Pick up will be much faster when the time schedule above is followed. HVS