Reminder of Lunch Order Deadline

Lunches are ordered a week in advance.    Lunch orders will be due Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am -for the following week.    You can always make changes/cancellations on the weeks ahead based on the dates & times mentioned above.     If you’ve...

Reminder of Lunch Order Deadline

Lunches are ordered a week in advance.  Lunch orders will be due Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am for the following week.    You can always make changes/cancellations on the weeks ahead based on the dates & times mentioned above.   If you’ve missed a lunch...

Lunch Order Deadline

Lunches are ordered a week in advance.  Lunch orders will be due Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am -for the following week.    You can always make changes/cancellations on the weeks ahead based on the dates & times mentioned above.   If you’ve missed a lunch...