Lunch Order Deadline

Please order any Monday orders on the Pizza Day Menu.  We needed to create a separate menu due to the deadline from the pizza provider.  Lunches are ordered a week in advance.  Below are the upcoming deadlines: Monday (pizza day) will lock out for ordering the Monday...

Lunch Order Deadline

Please order any Monday orders on the Pizza Day Menu.  We needed to create a separate menu due to the deadline from the pizza provider.  Lunches are ordered a week in advance.  Below are the upcoming deadlines: Monday (pizza day) will lock out for ordering the Monday...

Lunch Order Deadline

Please order any Monday orders on the Pizza Day Menu.  We needed to create a separate menu due to the deadline from the pizza provider.  Lunches are ordered a week in advance.  Below are the upcoming deadlines: Monday (pizza day) will lock out for ordering the Monday...

Lunch Order Deadline

You now need to order any Monday orders on the Pizza Day Menu.  We needed to create a separate menu due to the deadline from the provider. Lunches are ordered a week in advance.  Below are the upcoming deadlines: Monday (pizza day) will lock out for ordering the...